Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Long Over Due

So... our last blog post was back in January... woops! We got a little busy, a little pregnant and a lot exhausted! But... with baby boy 2 on the way in less than a month, we thought it a good time to get back up and running on the blog. It has been nearly 6 months since our last post and quite a bit has gone on in the Bolger household... Stay tuned over the next few days to get the quick update...

But... on to what happened in February... Well... in early Feb, our little man got his first shinner. That's right, a black eye. I am told that this happens a lot with little boys and I should just come to expect it but boy, when your toddler looks like Rocky, it is a hard thing to accept. He got said black eye while having a load of fun throwing rocks... note to self... boys and rock throwing are not a good combo...

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