Sunday, June 24, 2012

Jeff's Birthday Celebration, Part Deux

We went to North Tahoe the weekend after Jeff's birthday to continue the celebration. Why? Why Not! We went up with 2 other families, the Koontzes and the Bussi's and had a great long weekend.

Unfortunately there wasn't much snow the entire winter up thru the weekend we made the trek up to Tahoe. From this pic, you can see the amount of snow the kids got to play with. Of course, the following weekend, the snow storms were so huge we wouldn't have been able to get home, let alone even leave the cabin.

Here Ben is bonding with Baby Leo Bussi

 Here are the 2 grand dames (use your best French accent for that) of the house, Maxine Bussi and Khloe Koontz... or as Ben calls her, Khloe Hooooontz.

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