Friday, January 13, 2012

New York Continued

So... you're from a small town in Northern California, you go to one of the biggest cities in the world... what do you look forward to? Sure, the culture, the attractions, the buzzing nightlife... and the food. Let me preface this posting by saying we did hit all the cultural aspects of New York and really loved and appreciated every minute, we are not purely gluttonous cows but wow, we sure did have a great food tour thru New York! Pizza, street vendor pretzels, cheese cake, Jewish delis, bagels... it was unbelievable!

John's Pizzeria... wow is all I can say.

On our second night there, we went to dinner at a great, tiny Italian restaurant then went to see a broadway musical. Once the show was out, though, around 11:00pm, the town was still buzzing and we couldn't just go back to the hotel but we also didn't want to go to a bar because we had to be up super early the next morning. So... what did we do? Yep, a second dinner at a great sushi place. Good thing we were walking everywhere that week...

One of the real joys of the trip... sitting and relaxing at a meal rather than having to be done in 40ish minutes before Ben looses it. And how did Jeff relax after his meals? A leisurely espresso. Buonissimo!

I was most excited to try New York bagels being the bagel lover that I am and we found a real keeper at Murray's bagels. Too bad we only found it on the last day, otherwise we would have been there every morning!

One of the highlights of the trip was our "Slice of Brooklyn Pizza Tour" on the last day. The pizza was great but we also got to be uber tourists and take a tour bus around Brooklyn all day and explore the neighborhoods, see where all the movies were filmed (Scent of a Woman, Saturday Night Fever etc) as well as see where all the mofia lived/s. Best tour ever and if anyone is ever in NYC, make sure to book this tour because it was literally the highlight of our entire trip, no kidding!

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