Sunday, January 8, 2012

Late Santa Posting

The end of December got super busy and unfortunately, blogging wasn't a priority... but we're back! In our new neighborhood, Santa came to the cul-de-sac named Gingerbread Lane on Dec 23. Ben hadn't been all that thrilled with Santa leading up to Christmas, something about a strange man coming into your house thru a chimney... I totally get it. But with Santa coming to our neighborhood, we thought it would be a great opportunity for the big man in red to redeem himself with Ben. So we bundled up (it was below 45 degrees that week so for us, that was c-o-l-d), grabbed Ben's new lantern and walked the few blocks to Gingerbread Lane. As you can see in the following pictures, Ben was very excited on the start of the walk but that wasn't for Santa... Ben thought he and his Dad were going out to find monsters. Not kidding. The kid isn't scared of hunting for monsters in the dark but doensn't want Santa coming near him. Ok, we'll just go with it. So... at first, Ben wasn't so sure of Santa but then the big man did something to win the little guy over... he bribed him with a candy cane. Way to go, Santa! Now, of course, Ben wants Santa to come even now when it is January because he liked his candy cane so much. So... the lesson learned here is that Ben is very bribe-able if you have the right treat to bribe him with!

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