Thursday, July 14, 2011

Party Fun & Friends

Ben adored having all his besties  in town to celebrate at his party!

Our good college friends, Mike & Jenn Riese and their awesome kids, Sophie & Christian. 

The Goines family made a grand appearance and Ben, of course, looooved his play time with Jakey! I think he also has a little crush on Jenny... he does love blondes and got very chummy with her when she was teaching him all about cameras. Watch out Josh!

The one and only Koontzes!

Jenn Viane Riese teaching Khloe to stand and walk...

Benny and one of his BFFs, Bella, eyeing the cake. They stood there for a good 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get that cake even though the party had just started and no one had even had lunch.

Kristina, Jen's middle school friend, and her son, Gian Carlo.

Genevieve and Catherine Cardinale came ready to play and celebrate!

Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate our little man. Still in shock that we have a two-year old, we are eternally greatful to our family and friends for being so supportive and loving to the both of us and our awesome little dude!

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