Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ben's 2nd Birthday!

It was Ben's 2nd birthday this past weekend and Ben had the best weekend EVER! Everyone he loved helped him celebrate from Friday morning thru Sunday night. He celebrated so much that he slept a good majority of Monday!

His actual birthday was on Friday and he started the day with his favorite breakfast of pancakes and blueberries. He then got to open birthday gifts... great way to start the day!

Lunch was celebrated at Ben's favorite pizzeria, Angelina's. Both sets of grandparents, Mom, Dad & Elida were there to sing to him and join him at the arcade. Ben insisted on going to the park next to Angelina's after lunch and had tons of fun with bubbles and climbing on the jungle gym.

Dinner showcased all of his favorite foods - turkey burger sliders, corn on the cob and sweet potato french fries... followed by lemon cupcakes with chocolate frosting.
 Corn on the cob is Ben's #1 fav food and he really goes to town chowing down on his corn.

Lucky guy, his grandparents all helped him celebrate his big 2nd birthday!

 Cupcake sugar high?? Oh yeah!

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