Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kinder Jam

Wooops! I am so very behind on blogging... work and life has gotten pretty busy and chaotic in the last few weeks. But... I am aiming to be back on track with updating this site so come back regularly for our latest and greatest!

Wednesdays are my day with Ben and we start each Wednesday at Kinder Jam. Kinder Jam is a music-dance-run around in circles type class for toddlers. We've been going for about 2 months now and Ben has decided he isn't so much into signing and dancing with the ribbons (see lack of ribbon entheusiasm below) and pom pom waving as he is into chasing after the bouncy balls, playing with the parachute and anything that lets him chase after 4 year old Claudio. 
Here, Ben is taking a quick rest on the floor after having chased Claudio for half of the class.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Watch out, Shaq...

... Ben Bolger is the new slam dunk king!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Uh Oh

So... Ben now loves to jump onto and off of anyting around the house. We have to seriously be on our toes and watch him almost every minute because he is pretty fearless. Jeff caught this one stunt on camera this past weekend. Ben was busy watching Calliou, or so we thought. He had pulled about 8 big pillows from our bed in front of his chair. We weren't sure why so Jeff just sat there next to him just to be on the safe side. Then he did this... hence, why we have to watch our little dynamo so closely... Side note, no injuries, Ben was having a great time.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Date Night

Saturday night was a long, over due date night for Jeff and I. We started out by walking down to Cannery Row and going to Sheid Vineyards tasting room (thanks to Jenny Fred's fab parents!) and drinking some amazing wines. Then we walked back to Old Monterey to our fav Greek restaurant and ate saganaki (flamming cheese), gyros and spanakopita. Oopa!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day this year was nice and relaxing...well, as relaxing as a day chasing after a toddler can be! The weather foiled our plans which were to go hang out at the pool all day, have lunch there, play in the water etc etc etc. But the wind came up and the clouds blew in just as we were putting our swim suits on. So... quick change to plan B... picnic in the park & let Ben run around and burn some energy. Even though plan A didn't pan out, the day was still lovely being surrounded by my boys and my parents and that's all that matters!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sweet Baby Boy... Not So Much a Baby Anymore...

Today, Ben is 2 months shy of his 2nd birthday. How the time goes so quickly, we have no clue. Here are a few of his latest and greatest achievements, discoveries etc :

Fav Food : Guacamole, Raspberries, Bell Peppers, Oatmeal (Ben calls them "ohs"), Pizza (Ben calls it "izza") and anything with sauce that he can dip his food into, be it salsa, ranch, dressing etc.

Fav Activities : Anything in or with water, Bubbles (Ben calls them "buh-boze"), running everywhere, chasing Sophie Lou lovingly referred to as "Goggie."

New Words : Calliou (the name of the only TV show he will watch for a whole 5-6 minutes), Beam (which is supposd to be ice cream), Star, Battery, Birdie

Pillow Fight

Just like any other woman, I have a ton of decorative pillows for our bedroom. And probably like every other woman, when the bed isn't made, the pillows are piled in a corner of the bedroom. Well... the little inspector has found these pillows to be the most fun indoor activity there is. He starts from one end of the room, gets a running start and throws himself onto the pillows. Then he will bury himself and any toy in sight at the bottom of the pile and then throw the pillows up in the air to find these hidden toys. This process will be repeated for a good 10 minutes which, for Ben, is the longest he plays with any toy ever.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fun with Water Hose

As far as Ben is concerned, a hose = a good time. We can literally be in Target and we will go on a detour into the hose aisle and he squeels and grabs them. In the back yard, he absolutely adores watering everything... plants, lawn, windows, rocks, innocent bystanders... All day long, he asks to go outside to play with the "ose" and now that its a bit warmer, we aren't confined indoors any longer.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Neighborhood Walk

Ben takes serious pleasure in going on walks around our neighborhood. The only thing better than neighborhood walks is when he gets to hold Sophie's leash on our neighborhood walks. Being the true inspector that he is, he gives the once over to all front yards, flowers, dogs and every single mail box on his path (see pic below). He still doesn't quite get that he isn't allowed to go into other people's mail boxes.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Hike with Grandma & Grandpa

It has been a very busy week and we are very behind on our blogging so... to catch up on the past weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Bolger...

On Sunday afternoon, we went on a lovely hike in the Fort Ord/Toro hills. Sun was shinging, birds were chirping, Grandma and Grandpa had a great time checking out the neighborhood and Ben had a great time showing off for Gamma and Grampa.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Grandma & Grandpa Come to Visit!

Grandma & Grandpa Bolger came to visit last weekend and Ben had a really great time with them. He isn't able to say 'grandma' and 'grandpa' so he lovingly refers to them as 'Bamma' and 'Bampa.' Bamma and Bampa wanted to go to Gilroy Gardens with Ben after seeing all the blog pics and boy, did he show them a good time! Choo Choo train ride, sharing an ice cream with Bamma, driving Bamma and Dad in a blue car and splashing in a waterfall with Dad and Bampa. What a fun day!