Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Saturday at The Farm

This Saturday was a harvest/Thanksgiving fiesta at The Farm. The Farm is this great organic farm in Salinas with a petting zoo area, pumpkin patches during Halloween, an organic market and lots of fun things to do through out the year. This past weekend was the Harvest festival and we all had a great day.
 Here Ben is getting excited to go pet the bunnies and play with the goats and chickens. We were able to get him to sit still for 30 seconds to get a pic with Mom.
 Boys and their toys... right? Jeff just HAD to have a pic with him and Ben by the big tractor. Why am I not surprised?
 Family hay ride... Ben loves hay rides apparently...
 Ben wishing the bunnies were a little friendlier...
One of the chickens got loose and Ben, being the active little man that he is, decided it was a good idea to chase the chicken. Until, of course, the chicken turned around and was very obviously NOT scared of a 24 pound boy...

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