Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Maui Wowie

The time has really been going by quickly and we've been exploring all sides of the island and testing out each and every beach. We've been having a great time with the Bussi family and Ben & Maxine get along famously. They actually have held hands a few times here and there. Of course the parents were squeeling and freaked out Ben & Maxine but they did hold hands and it was the cutest thing ever!

Below are just a few fun pics from the week...
 For Ben's 1st birthday, Maxine sent him a matching Hawaiian print shirt and shorts. Of course he busted them out and looked pretty cute but incredibly touristy.
 Ben & Maxine have been sharing snack and dinner time. Ben has taught Maxine how to eat and drink foods that she hasn't had before since she's 4 months younger than our little man.
 Future love birds, perhaps?
 Dads & babes pre-BBQ hanging out and enjoying the sunset.
Tonight at dinner, Maxine was as cute as could be and really had a lot to say. Here she is telling us a very intricate story about a fish she caught that was 'this big!'

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