Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ben's One Week Anniversary

Today is Ben's one week anniversary. No clue how this week has gone so quickly. Oh, wait, that's right... Feeding every 2 hours, Diaper Changes, Burping and then finding time to shower, eat and last but not least, sleep. But, we're greatful for every second & loving our little man.

Ben gets to meet his uncle PJ, Aunt Shannon & Cousin Olivia this weekend. We're so excited for the 2 babies to meet & start to get to know each other because there will be many 'Bolger Fests' in the future so we are laying the ground work now for a fabulous friendship... we're just hoping Ben doesn't sleep through their visit... he tends to sleep a good majority of the day and decides it is his 'day time' around 10:00 or 11:00pm.

Just about time to feed Ben again... the cycle starts again! Cheers until next update!

1 comment:

  1. He's looking good guys!! Can't wait to join him on a BolgerFest sometime soon!! :)
