Wednesday, July 29, 2009

3 weeks today

So Ben is 3 weeks old today. We're still staying in the house pretty much, per the doctor's recommendation, but we have had a few trips out to Carmel and a few trips on the rec trail & Ben has done an excellent job on all outings. We're having a ton of fun with him & learning more and more each day. In the 3 weeks we've had Ben in our lives, we've learned a few things...

1. If showering, shaving or eating were an olympic sport, we'd be gold medalists.

2. Diaper changing is a sport, especially with a little boy. He may not have any control but his aim and distance are stellar.

3. Sleep isn't a necessity, it is a luxury. On a side note, Ben's nap time is worth a gold coin for each minute.

4. How can you love someone so much when you've only known them for 3 weeks?!?

5. Grandparents are a God send... our aching biceps would definitely agree.

6. "Schedule" is now a 4 letter word. Well, actually, it is non-existent. No such thing. Nada. Zippo. Well, except for the 1:45am & 4:45am wake up calls each morning.

That's it for now... Off to go play with our little man. Jeff has the week off next week so he can spend time with his 'mini me.' Ciao from the Bolger household!

1 comment:

  1. You said it....I have NEVER eaten so fast in my life! I laughed out loud at that one! I can't believe its already been 3 weeks! He is such a and kisses to our favorite family out west!
