Friday, January 18, 2013

San Diego, Part I

Between Christmas and New Years, we went down to San Diego for a little family vacation and to see many Bolgers. We had a great time but our trip was definitely too short.

The start of the trip was a highlight for Ben... the plane! Our flight was insanely early but the 5:00am wake up for Ben didn't hamper his excitement to ride on the plane. This was Brody's first plane ride, too, and he did really well... pretty much just slept right thru it!

There is an air and space museum in Balboa Park in San Diego so Grandma and Grandpa took Ben there for a Christmas present. Ben had seen the brochure of the museum and had heard all about the actual planes and meteors that were housed in the museum so he was BEYOND excited to go. The Texan, Washington and Southern California Bolgers came so it was quite the deal. When asked to this day what his favorite part of his vacation was, he says the air museum!

We went bowling one night with all the Bolgers who were in town. Brody got to meet Great Grandma B.

On our last day in San Diego, we went to lunch with Great Grandma B and Grandma and Grandpa. Ben made Great Grandma B a crown with a purple cross on it since she was wearing a purple sweater.

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