Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pee Wee Soccer

So, we've posted still pics of Ben's pee wee soccer games but the still pics don't really capture the chaos and total pandemonium on the field. Take a peek at this video from start to finish. It is a smidge long but will give you a good idea of what Ben's pee wee soccer games are like. This is a 2 minute video but for the most part, this is how the entire 20 minute matches go. What this video doesn't show you is that Ben had just gone up to the ref, during play time, to first, give him a feather he found on the field and then a few minutes later, still during play time, to tell the ref that the ball was dirty and needed to be cleaned.
Ben is #4 in the turquoise jersey. The little boy in the red fleece is Marco who is also on his team and the girl running in and out of the shot is his friend from KinderJam, Catherine...

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