Thursday, November 1, 2012

The end of an era

It is with heavy hearts that we write this tonight. We wanted to let you know, all who have known and loved Sophie Lou, that she is no longer with us. The day started one way and turned out in a completely different direction than intended and as it turns out, our sweet Sophie Lou had inoperable and incurable cancer on her heart and liver.
Our house is beyond words sad tonight since she was our baby before Ben and Brody came into our lives. When we rescued her in December 2005, "Poochie" (as she was named then) was as scrappy and feisty as any dog could be. So, we renamed her Sophia Louise Jacobs Bolger, a dignified name for her new classy and sassy self... but true to her last few minutes, she never ever lost her feistiness.
A few of our more memorable times with Sophie was when she was kicked out of obedience school for trying to fight Billie, the 80 pound pit bull... keep in mind that Sophie was 16 pounds at her heaviest fighting weight. She's been known to nip people for interrupting her precious nap time and never met another dog that she liked other than the shi-tzus up the road. Nicknamed 'Cranky Aunt Lou' by neighbors and friends, our house feels a bit empty tonight. Please say a little prayer for our fabulous and feisty Sophie Lou who will be greatly missed but whose memory will always be cherished.

Pee Wee Soccer

So, we've posted still pics of Ben's pee wee soccer games but the still pics don't really capture the chaos and total pandemonium on the field. Take a peek at this video from start to finish. It is a smidge long but will give you a good idea of what Ben's pee wee soccer games are like. This is a 2 minute video but for the most part, this is how the entire 20 minute matches go. What this video doesn't show you is that Ben had just gone up to the ref, during play time, to first, give him a feather he found on the field and then a few minutes later, still during play time, to tell the ref that the ball was dirty and needed to be cleaned.
Ben is #4 in the turquoise jersey. The little boy in the red fleece is Marco who is also on his team and the girl running in and out of the shot is his friend from KinderJam, Catherine...