Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Bolger Family is Expanding...

That's right... Ben got a fish! He originally named his fish Cleo but that has somehow morphed into Chloe and Chloe has stuck. So... you're looking at the newest member of the Bolger family, Chloe Bolger! Ben hasn't stopped trying to touch Chloe, literally, so we've had to move her to higher ground. It isn't surprising that Ben loves fish, he comes from a long line of fish lovers. Growing up, I had Janet the ever lasting goldfish (or so my parents told me) and then Roger, the Siamese fighting fish, from Junior year of college until a year or two after graduation. Jeff's fraternity usually used gold fish as the table center pieces at their dances but unfortunately, the gold fish typically didn't survive the evening. So... welcome to Chloe Bolger, the fun has just begun!

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