Monday, August 8, 2011

New House

We're baaaack!

It has been a long few weeks, that is for sure! We have moved into the new house as of July 25, work has been a bit cuckoo for both of us, Jeff went to Hilton Head on a boy's golf weekend and in between those things, we've been trying to unpack. I guess the name of the game is enjoy the process because it sure isn't going by quickly!

Here is a pic of Ben on his tricycle for the first time tonight in front of our new house. As for the tricycle, Ben didn't quite get it, he had more fun pushing it from the hand held rod that Jeff is holding onto in this picture. I guess baby steps for Ben biking AND for unpacking. Is the universe trying to teach us Bolgers a lesson?

We have quite a bit to do to the house and the landscaping. We'll post more pics as we get some projects completed but here is a pic of the new place. 3 of our neighbors brought us cakes and cookies to welcome us to the neighborhood and they all seem very nice (Ben especially likes 4 year old Sam next door)... welcome to the burbs, Bolger family! Looks like I better start brushing up on my Betty Crocker skills!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Bolgers! Can't wait to come visit the new digs!! Hope the rest of the packing goes quickly!
