Monday, January 3, 2011

A special gift from the Rocklin Jacobses

Jen's brother and his fam came to Monterey the day after Christmas for a few days to celebrate the holiday. Uncle Jon, the car enthusiast, got Ben a very special gift this year for Christmas. At first, Ben had zero interest in unwrapping the gift as you can see from the first two pics. But... once he actually got the box opened, a fabulous treat appeared...

 Yep... that is a motorized car. Ben pushes a button in the steering wheel and he can drive the car all on his own. The background to this gift is that Jon has got Ben all of the appropriate cars for each stage of life. Once he was able to sit up on his own, Jon got a car that we could push Ben in. Once he was running around on his own, Jon got him an ATV-ish motorcycle that was not motorized. Now, there is a motor... God help us! It's actually a really fun gift, Ben loves it and it really doesn't go that fast. Lucky little man to have such a fun Uncle!

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