Monday, May 10, 2010

Bolgers Take On Chicago!

A few weeks ago, we took a 4 day weekend and went to Chicago to see our college friends, the Francis', see the sites (Jen & Ben had never been to Chicago before) and taste some traditional Chicago "pie." It was a quick trip, for sure, but we packed in so much in the 4 days and had the best time ever! A weekend-away with a 9 1/2 month old is definitely a change from what we're used to... pre-baby weekends-away! Rather than 8:00pm dinners and staying out late, dinners were at 6:00pm at the latest and we were back in the hotel by 8:30pm. Rather than being out all day touring, we'd be out for 2-3 hour bursts then back to the hotel for a quick 45 minute nap (for Ben & sometimes Jeff!). But... that didn't matter at all. We had the best time, really loved seeing our good friends and definitely want to go back to Chicago many, many times!

(They are hard to see in this picture but if you squint, you'll see Jeff & Ben below the classic Chicago marquee to the left)

The best way to see Chicago is by water. We took a fabulous tour on Lake Michigan & the Chicago River when we first arrived and wow! What a gorgeous city and an amazing sky line.

This is one of many pics of Ben taking in the sites of Chicago... well... actually, he is napping. He did see quite a bit of Chicago but as you'll see in the pics to come, he also had some fantastic naps! Cheers!
We then went to Millenium Park and yes, Ben was awake for this part... notice we're quick to point out 'this' part of our trip :) Here Ben & Jeff are looking at a Chicago duck in a fountain combining two of Ben's favs : birds & fountains...

This is the 'bean' in Millenium Park & apparently you have to take pictures up close because they look funny. I spared our blog viewers and only posted 2 of Jeff's MANY bean pics...

On Friday afternoon, Scottie took the afternoon off work and showed us his favorite parts of the city including this bullet hole below (that Jeff has his finger in)... Al Capone & his crew shot someone here and the bullet hole remains...
After dinner in Roscoe Village with the Franics', we went back to their house and let Ben & Ella run around and play. Ella is such a cute, happy baby and Ben loved playing with her and her toys.
Saturday was the day we anticipated most... wait for it a few pics down... But we had 2 hours to kill so we walk to the Sears tower (recently renamed the Willis Tower), walked to the top and had a great 360 degree view of the city. Notice Ben is taking a nap at the top of the Sears Tower.
Here we are on our way to Wrigley Field to catch a Cub/Diamond Back game. As you can see, both boys are sooo excited to see the game... so excited that Ben passed out on the way there...
We've arrived! Woo Hoo! Just before this pic was taken, one guy was being wheeled into an ambulance for drinking too much and another guy was being handcuffed. It was a great start to our day... seriously awesome people watching!
Scottie got us the BEST tickets... 7th row back behind the Diamond Back's dugout. Scottie and Jeff watch the game and Nicole & Jen people watched and gabbed. Fun fun day!

If anyone is keeping count, yes Ben is asleep again... at Wrigley Field... touring Lake Michigan, top of the Sears Tower, Wrigley Field... if we go to Paris with Ben, the Eiffel Tower will be a great napping location, I am sure of it!
No beer Ben! You are too young, my friend!

For our farwell dinner, we went to the original deep dish Chicago pizza restaurant with the Francis'! Here Ben is asleep, go figure :) , while we wait for our table.
Good bye Chicago! We loved visiting and will be back often! Thank You Scott, Nicole and Ella!

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