Sunday, April 11, 2010

9 Months Old... Going on 20!

Ben turned 9 months old this past week. Each month, we both marvel at how quickly the time has gone by and how it feels like just yesterday when we went to the hospital to meet Ben for the first time. He has definitely gone from a little infant to a real boy... he's into EVERYTHING, very interested in investigating his surroundings and is now mobile (gasp). We went to his 9 month check up on Friday and according to Dr. Dwelle, Ben is doing well. Here are the vital stats... 18lbs, 13.5oz (20th percentile); 29 inches long (75th percentile) & his head is in the 60th percentile. What does this mean? We've got a long, string bean on our hands with a big brain! Cheers to you, little man! And Cheers to us, too!!

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