Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bussi Time!

This past weekend, we met up with the Bussi's for a hike & lunch. Ben & Maxine rekindled their 'thing' and Ben even held her hand while she tried sweet potatoes for the first time... it was pretty sweet. But... he did poke her in the eye like the true boy he is... always beat up the girls they like... Maxine, being a few months younger, didn't mind but Ben, watch out, she won't take that abuse forever (if she is anything like her feisty, fabulous Mom)!

Ben Has Another Toy...

You've got to love the fact that no matter how many toys you've purchased or how much money you spend on said toys... your child will get more of a kick out of house hold items than these expensive, noisy, bulky toys. Example below... Jeff caught Ben playing with our glass door and really having the best time. Resolution... no more toy store finds... sticking to kleenex boxes, water bottles and now doors.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ben's New Favorite Thing...

He loves fountains like you wouldn't believe. He just stares at it and laughs. The weather this weekend was beyond gorgeous so we walked from our house to Lover's Point in PG and back. We visited all the fountains along the way & Ben got a real kick out of it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nice 'Do Ben!

This is what happens when Dad does Ben's hair after bath time... faux hawk galore. Lovely.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Napping Baby

After a long Saturday, Ben took a fabulous nap... oh the life of a baby! He was so happy to wake up and see Mom & Dad because he knew it was "play time!" This is a quick pic of his happy face when he woke up.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Vroom Vroom!

Uncle Jon got Ben his first car... just like his uncle, Ben loooves his new wheels!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

9 Months Old... Going on 20!

Ben turned 9 months old this past week. Each month, we both marvel at how quickly the time has gone by and how it feels like just yesterday when we went to the hospital to meet Ben for the first time. He has definitely gone from a little infant to a real boy... he's into EVERYTHING, very interested in investigating his surroundings and is now mobile (gasp). We went to his 9 month check up on Friday and according to Dr. Dwelle, Ben is doing well. Here are the vital stats... 18lbs, 13.5oz (20th percentile); 29 inches long (75th percentile) & his head is in the 60th percentile. What does this mean? We've got a long, string bean on our hands with a big brain! Cheers to you, little man! And Cheers to us, too!!

Ben is Crawling

Ben is now mobile! In a matter of DAYS, Ben has gone from rocking around, to a full commando style crawl. He can't quite pull himself up on his own (yet), but at this rate he'll be walking in a few short weeks. (The Over/Under for Ben's first steps is 28 days...). Time to clear the furniture, pad the fireplace and gate the stairs... Here comes trouble...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lunch on the Bay

While Jeff & Jen are busy working... Ben gets to enjoy a leisurely lunch on the bay with his grandparents... lucky guy!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Ben's first Easter was fabulous! After a great weekend with the Sacramento Jacobs', Ben got to relax a bit on Sunday with his new toys from the Easter bunny.

Ben has discovered his new favorite food... fresh raspberries. He tends to get more of the raspberries on his face and hair rather than in his mouth but he has a good time. So... we capped off a great easter with Ben's buffet of raspberries and avocado... yum!

Huge Waves on the Coast

The waves on our coast line have been beyond huge the past month or so... its hard to tell from this pic but trust us... HUGE! Not sure if it is because of El Nino, regadless, they were quite a site to see. Of course, we had to capture the moment. FYI, this pic was taken near Asilomar Beach.

Family for Easter

Uncle Jon & crew came down to Monterey for the weekend because it was his kids' spring break. What a fun weekend Ben had with his uncle, auntie and cousins. Here are a few pics with Uncle Jon & cousins Joel & Matthew. Ben was able to show off his quasi-crawling moves... actually, more like scooting and treated the Sacramento Jacobs' to quite of few of his songs. Fun times! PS: Anyone think Uncle Jon looks just like Jerry Seinfeld?!

Saturday Morning Walk

It was pretty chilly this weekend so for our Saturday morning walk, Ben had to get bundled up. As always, Ben was the official 'taste tester' and this morning, he tested Dad's visor... lovely.