Friday, February 5, 2010

What is Sunday?

For those of you that said Superbowl, you are wrong. Well, partially. It is my 7 month birthday. I just had my check up today and my doctor says I am progressing right on schedule. I tend to agree. And in my vast 7 months, I can tell you a few things that I know to be true.

1. Butternut squash is the best vegetable there is... So much better than peas or anything green for that matter.

2. Bath time is really fun especially when I 'baptize' Mom and Dad... I think they love it too, why wouldn't they?!? I prefer the sneak attack when they have no idea it's coming. Seriously, it's the highlight of my day and I assume the highlight of their day, too.

3. I think I like that furry thing that my Mom and Dad tell me is my sister eventhough we look nothing alike... the one with spots that barks and they call her Sophie Lou. Anyway, she stays clear of me so I am not 100% sure I like her but I think we will get along well soon. She does love to stand below my high chair at dinner time, she's pretty scrappy that way. I can appreciate that.

4. I am a great inspector. Anything you give me, I will inspect it from top to bottom, right to left and then double back and start all over. But I don't stop there, folks. Once the visual inspection is complete, the taste test begins. Everything gets a taste test. Everything. See example below.

I go to my second wedding next weekend and get to experience my first Bolgerfest. I've heard Bolgerfests are pretty cool so that will be tons of fun. I get to hang with my peeps, Olivia, John Thomas, Luke and Ella. It's also my first time in a plane. I'm excited, Mom is nervous. Go figure. Who'll bet me $20 to royally annoy the whole plane?!

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