Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy 6 Month Birthday to Me!

Happy 6 month birthday to Ben! Last Friday, Ben turned a half year old... somehow. We were planning a little dinner party to celebrate but a few hours before, his first tooth decided it was time to make its grand entrance so, needless to say, Ben was pretty fussy and in no mood for a dinner party, especially if he was going to be the center of attention. We are VERY happy to say his fussiness has mellowed out in the past few days and he's back to his fun ol' self.

Both of Ben's parents are baffled that 6 months have come and gone so quick. Our little man is on the brink of sitting on his own, adores sweet potatoes, has yet to crawl (which is a very good thing - the mobility factor seems daunting to his already exhausted parents) and seems to like 'cougars' (he flirts with many of his Mom's friends). We're definitely looking forward to Ben's next 6 months.

Happy 6 month birthday to you, Ben, & a very happy 6 month anniversary to us!

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