Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ben Meets the Koontzes!

Jeff & I were supposed to have our first 'real' date since Ben's arrival this weekend... we were going to see Elton John & Billy Joel along with the Goines... but Elton has EColi... yep... EColi. Go figure. So no concert for us. Pretty Sad. But... the koontzes were in town this weekend so Ben got to meet his most favorite Koontzes over lunch in Carmel on Sunday. He napped through most of it but did have fun eyeing and drooling over his new girlfriend Shannon... Zach might have to keep a tight arm around Shannon if Ben has anything to say about it...
Here Ben is eagerly awaiting his first meeting with Zach & Shannon and fell asleep shortly after this pic was taken.

The Koontzes, Jeff & Ben gnawing on his hands... his latest discovery!

The 3 Men : Jeff, his good college buddy Zach and Benny just taking a stroll around Carmel talking about guy stuff... you know how that goes ;)

1 comment:

  1. We loved seeing you and meeting Ben! He is just a sweetie, and so handsome! Love you guys and hope to get together soon!
