Last weekend was Ben's first BolgerFest adventure as well as his first plane trip (see post below). We all loved reuniting with all our Bolger family for Megan & Dallas' wedding for a really fun weekend.
Here we are at cocktail hour after just having arrived at the hotel. Ben was a bit tired (which really means he was cranky) but he perked up when he saw Grandma & Grandpa.
Our favorite Texans ever, the Texan Bolgers, flew in from Fort Worth. All 5 are beyond fabulous and here Jeff & Texan Bolger Jessica are catching up. Jessica has been dubbed by us as the 'baby whisperer' so its pretty likely that Jeff is picking Jess' brain for suggestions on something Ben related.
Saturday morning started with a quick trip to the beach. Ben slept thru most of it.
Cousin Olivia, on the other hand, was too excited to sleep... :)
Here Texan Bolger Tommy & Ben's cousin, Ella, are taking a break from sitting in the ocean to take a picture for our blog.
This was Ben's first wedding and he had a lot of fun... at least for the part that he was awake for... does there seem to be a common theme here of Ben sleeping thru our weekend away?! He got to dance with both Mom and Dad, got to wear a cool outfit and he loved the bread.
Before he fell asleep, Ben played with Grandma & Grandpa at the table... which let Mom & Dad have a bit of dinner.
Cousin Olivia stayed up the entire wedding. She is much more of a party animal then Ben... but she is 2 1/2 months older... what do you expect?!
Sunday was beach day. It was in the upper 70s and beyond gorgeous. Ben got to put his feet in the ocean for the first time but the water was too cold so the subsequent pics (that are not posted so Ben doesn't rebel against us as a teen) are of him squeeling and crying.
Ben loved playing with Grandma & Olivia (in between naps, go figure) with all the plastic utensils from lunch. Its the simple pleasures in life for our little Ben.
Family portrait... we're all a bit hot here and were being chased by a bee, hence the look of question on Ben's face.
That's it until the next BolgerFest! Have a great week!
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