Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!
(Here are our Bolger Jack-o-lantern masterpieces to celebrate the big day!)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Almost Winter...

There is a pretty good chance that this past weekend was our last weekend of warmth and sun... As of Monday, the rain and wind are supposed to start. So, we packed the boys up and went for a walk on the rec trail to soak up our last bits of sun. The seals were out, the rocks were screaming to be climbed on and the boys (for the most part) were in a great mood.
Although we are sad to see summer go, it has been quite the past 3 months!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Brody, 3 months
Ben, 3 months

Brody, 2.5 months

Ben, 2.5 months


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Band-Aid Cure All

A few weeks back, I posted about Ben feeling that band-aids were the cure-all for any ailment, sickness or disease. Well, the other day, Ben stubbed his toe and decided that a band-aid on his head would cure the pain. And apparently it did... until we had to rip the band-aid out of his hair.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Boys and their toys...

Ben wasn't too into the baseball game his Dad was watching so he decided to watch a cartoon on the iPad. Brody, unbeknownst to Ben, was watching the cartoon, too. Pretty cute!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pie Time with Grandma

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit last week while they were up in our neck of the woods and Grandma taught Ben how to make an apple pie. He had a great time making the pie with Grandma but his favorite part was picking the apples from our tree and then eating the apples with cinnamon and sugar!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Brody's 3 Month Birthday!

Today Brody turns 3 months! This little guy is so sweet and sooo active. He is constantly moving and kicking and squirming... we know we'll have our hands full when he is mobile. He is now smiling a lot which is just plain heart warming. Here are the stats from his 2 month check up that was actually closer to his 3 month birthday :
 12 lbs, 8.5 oz (50% percentile)  
Ben was 12lbs, 2oz
24 1/2 inches long (85% percentile)  
Ben was 24 1/2 inches long, too

Monday, October 15, 2012


Brody has blossomed from the 'baby blob' stage to an active and interactive nearly 3 month old and pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


After soccer on Saturday, we drove to see the Bussi family. Maxine and Ben hadn't seen each other since August so they had so much fun catching up. You may be asking what 'catching up' means to 3 year olds. Well, rolling on the ground and throwing leaves on each other, sharing cupcakes, running around each other in circles while at a restaurant and playing with a big black lab and laughing hysterically while doing so.
Leo Bussi was very interested in Brody but those boys are still too young to be BFFs... maybe in a few months...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Soccer Game #3

We had our third soccer game this past weekend and Ben is getting a little more comfortable running after the ball with all the big kids. He still doesn't quite get it but he has fun and that's all that matters. The third pic shows the kick he got in the third quarter. He was beyond proud of himself as were we! These first two pics, though, show our awesome little stud in a uniform that was made for a 5th grader... Oh well... looking good is half the challenge and he manages to look fabulous, in my humble opinion!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Halloween means...

Picking out pumpkins at the pumpkin patch! This past Friday, we went to our favorite farm and dressed the boys us to pick out all of our pumpkins. Since this is Brody's first Halloween and Ben's favorite holiday, we made a big event out of the evening.
Ben had a ton of fun climbing all over the hay bails. Brody looks dazed and confused because we interrupted his nap to get some pics of him being a giraffe.

Being the over-protective brother that he is, Ben was dangling a rat over Brody's head. Good thing Brody had no clue what was going on. (And no, the rat was not real).

Ben had to find the perfect pumpkin. Turned out, his perfect pumpkin wasn't a pumpkin at all. In fact, it was a long green gourd that he displays proudly on our front porch. We'll see how making a
Jack-O-Lantern out of a gourd goes...

If you can't tell, Ben is a fighter pilot for Halloween. He is beyond excited to wear his authentic fighter pilot jumpsuit he got from the Naval Base in Coronado, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa!

He doesn't look so little anymore, does he??!! How he is such a big boy already is just beyond me...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sprinkler Fun

The heat on the central coast has been nuts the past few days. It clocked in at 98 degrees last weekend which is as hot as it gets (or should get) for us. What do you do when it is that hot, you may be asking  yourself... well, if  you are Ben Bolger, you run like crazy through the sprinkler. Yes, folks. He is all boy. Dirt, sprinklers, anything that gets him messy is a treat, as far as he is concerned. Then there is his mom who sits in the shade (holding Ben's little brother captive while he is still not mobile) with a frosty beverage by the ipod, definitly the polar opposite but loving watching her little dude run like a wild man!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Big Sur River Inn

We went to the Big Sur River Inn for lunch and play time this past weekend. We hadn't been in decades but now remember why it is so cool. There is an inn, which is so so and a restaurant which is a bit more than so so, but both are perched over the Big Sur River. Well, it is more of a creek, maybe a foot deep with little to no currant.
What is so great about this spot is that they have adirondak chairs up and down the river literally in the middle of the river (once again, it was less than a foot deep so this is possible) so while the kids splash and play, the adults can sit, watch and relax.We had the obligatory lunch in the Redwoods (see the second pic for evidence) and then made our way down to the river. This was Brody's first visit to a river and guess what, he was awake! I think he enjoyed it, too. Not bad, if I do say so myself... Ben was throwing rocks here and there and everywhere and was drenched within 5 minutes. All in all, though, a great stop on our way home.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Trip up the Coast

On our way home, we took the scenic route up the coast on Highway 1. It was the quintessential foggy day along the coast which made it all that much more awesome. The day before, Anne Hathaway had gotten married in Big Sur so we were hoping to catch a sight of her but we had no such luck... we did get pretty lucky with these views, though. Gotta love where we live!

Friday, October 5, 2012

After Dinner Pier Walk

We had a fantastic dinner at a cute little Italian restaurant in Cayucos on Saturday night. But the highlight had to be the full moon rising over the mountains next to the pier. Ben, being the future-astonomer that he is, went bonkers over the moon. It was quite the sight!

Thursday, October 4, 2012


A trip to the coast to the Bolger men in my household means a lot of naps. How we got Ben to nap on the family room couch while the Ryder Cup was on is beyond me. I will chalk it up to our 'mad skills.' Reality is we got lucky.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Central Coast Trip - Brunch

We had brunch at this cute little place by the pier in downtown Cayucos called Schooners. Ben was thrilled because he got pancakes, us adults were just happy that the sun was out and Ben was occupied and calm! Brody, bless his heart, slept thru breakfast and our trip down town but we know he enjoyed the smell of the ocean air during his snooze.

(Here, Jeff does his best 'Sir Tuffy' look. Not bad, Bolger.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Weekend Trip to the Coast

This weekend, we went to Cayucos, a small town on the central coast to relax, play and celebrate Gommie's birthday. This was Brody's first sleep over away from home as well as his first real car trip. Brody did great on all aspects of the trip and of course, Ben had so much fun playing at the beach. Here is the first morning during our trip to the pier... Ben got up close and personal with a pelican and a sea gull.