Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Splash Zone!

Our first full day in Scottsdale consisted swiming the HUGE hotel pool, walking under waterfalls, and Ben's favorite, being the concert conductor in the, 'Splash Zone'!

Ben love Fountains!

Here's video of Ben and the Del Monte Shopping Center. Every time we pass by this fountain, Ben insists that we stop an play.

Great-Grandparents stop by to say Hi

Great Grandpa Bud and Great grandma Dorothy stopped by on their road trip after Maggie's wedding. It was really nice to catch up and see how happy and heathy they both are. They were VERY excited to see Ben, but it was past his bed time so he wasn't so sure during the photo shoot. See you guys in few months over Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pesto Lover

Ben has been more interested in tasting new foods recently and, as you can tell, one of his new favorites is pesto pasta. A majority of the pesto gets into his hair and on the floor vs actually in his mouth... I guess this is what everyone means by 'baby steps.' Mangia Mangia!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Quiet Couple of Weekends

Work for us has been crazy the last few weeks so we've tried to have mellow weekends. The weather is finally nice here in Monterey so we've gone on hikes, walked to festivals, gone hot tubbing and had a few date nights at the house. So... nothing much to report on other than a nice autumn here on the Monterey Peninsula!

Every labor day is the Greek festival in Monterey, our favorite festival of the year. This was Ben's first year at the festival and this is a pic of him trying a gyro for the first time. Honestly, he could give or take the gyro but he loved playing and running to the Greek music!
We have no clue how long this nice weather will last so we've been taking advantage of it by taking Ben in the hot tub a few times a week. This kid loves the water in general so a hot tub with Dad is one of his favorite things EVER!

Have a great week! The Bolgers

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Fair Comes to Monterey...

The fair is in town & Jen always loved the fair as a little kid so Mom and Grandma brought Ben to the fair and it did not disappoint! First up were the animals... Ben loved the chickens and especially Molly the goat. He wasn't so sure about the nasty turkey named Stuffing.
After his first go on the carousel, Ben refused to get off his horse and insisted on another spin around...
All in all, his favorite part of the fair was the ice cream. Not one to turn down sweets, Ben seriously indulged and on his sugar high, went to flirt with the cell phone vendor ladies who gave him orange maracas. Us adults were very grateful for the maracas because Ben was able to run around the lawn, shaking his maracas and running of his excess sugar energy!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Man's Best Friend?!?

It's no secret that Ben teases and sometimes torments poor Sophie Lou... but the winds of change are upon the Bolger house now that Ben likes to share his food. Sophie, being an enterprising Terrier, has taken full advantage of this and they now have snack time together! Perhaps Sophie Lou and Ben will be good friends after all & we might have a bit more peace at Casa de Bolger?!?