Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gotta Watch Out...

As far as Ben is concerned, there is nothing cooler, more interesting or quite as fun as light switches. Well, at least for this week. Jeff & I have had to watch this kid like a hawk because he constantly finds himself in these precarious positions attempting some new feat. Ever since he started walking 3ish weeks ago, the falls, scrapes and boo boos have been, sadly, plentiful. But, resilient as ever, once he stops crying, Ben gets up and tries to get that light switch all over again. His parents haven't quite learned the lesson in this... could it be to always pick yourself up after a 'fall' & try again OR don't go back to that light switch time and time again that you can't reach and always fall when trying... ???

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Ben's 1st Hair Cut

This probably falls under the category of TMI (too much information) but Ben got his first hair cut. Well, more of  a trim but still a first. Dad did the honors and now our little man has a trimmed & fabulous 'do!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Hike at Toro Park

The 3 of us took a great, little hike this morning out at Toro Park. It's typically about 10 degrees hotter out there so we decided to ditch the fog and go play in the sun. Ben loves his pack mule (ie Jeff), his new favorite mode of transportation. He literally pulls on Jeff's hair which we assumed was his command to turn left, speed up, snack break etc.

Happy Trails!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

1st Video of Ben walking!

It's a week over due, but here's a clip of Ben walking for the first time! We haven't been able to capture too many of these because the little guy is so quick. But I could watch this one over and over. So funny and so cute.

And here's another great picture of our little buddy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ben & Sophie...

Ben has not only gotten the whole 'walking' thing down but he loves to open and close doors. This includes shutting Sophie Lou out of his play areas. This progression of pictures shows Ben 1) waking a cranky Sophie up from her nap 2) shutting her outside in the back yard and finally 3) thinking that was just the funniest thing he's ever done!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Yep... He's Walking!

Ben is walking. He looks like a 'drunken sailor' but he is most definitely walking... all over the place. We knew it was only a matter of weeks until he was upright but now that he is, we are re-baby proofing the house and poor Sophie Lou doesn't know what hit her because now Ben loves to chase her. Jeff will post a video of Ben's walking-ness soon. Have a great week! Bolgers

Happy Birthday, Dumb Dumb

August 16th is a special day each and every year because it is Dumb Dumb's birthday. (FYI, for those of you who don't know Dumb Dumb, he is Jen's grandpa and Ben's great grandpa). So, this year, we met Dumb Dumb, Mussy and Ari for lunch in Santana Row and celebrated a fabulous man & great/grandpa! Happy Happy Birthday, Dumb Dumb. We love you!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Where's Your Nose, Ben?

Jeff has been very busy teaching Ben where his nose is. So much so that when you ask Ben where his nose is, he very happily points to it and sniffs. Who knows where he got the sniffing bit but it's pretty cute. Now Jeff is working on where Ben's ears are. Stay tuned...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Mellow Weekend + 4 Molars...

Ben is getting 4 molars all at once (for a grand total of 12 teeth) so it has been a restless, sleepless and fuss-filled couple of days at Casa de Bolger... So we made no plans this weekend for the first time in a long time. Poor little man does not like getting 4 molars all at once and we don't blame him. The pic below was of from walk for us all to get some fresh air but all in all, it was a mellow weekend in Monterey.

Oh! And Ben has started walking... only about 10 steps at most but he's up and going which means so are Jeff & Jen!

Have a good week all,

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Boat Captain Ben!

My Museum in downtown Monterey is one of the coolest places for kids. Ben goes all the time with Elida but had a special treat on Monday when he got to go with Papa and Gommie. Ben's favorite part of My Museum is the boat and the slide. He steers the boat like a real champ. He wasn't too thrilled that the little girls were trying to interfere in his driving time (see 2nd picture) but that's another story!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lunch with Papa

Ben had lunch with Papa & Gommie on Monday. Boy did he get spoiled! But... that's what grandparents are for, right?! (This is a cell phone pic so it's a bit dark... sorry you have to squint).