Friday, June 18, 2010

Almost There!

Yep... almost walking... oh boy! His Dad is working every day on his walking skills... Mom isn't so sure we want him walking this soon but it looks like Dad might be winning this one!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Play Time, Mama!

Ben no longer sits still... EVER... unless he's sleeping. He pulls up on everything, climbs on everything and is on the verge of walking... God help the Bolger house hold!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fabulous Sophie Lou

Our elderly lady, Sophie Lou, may only have 10 or so teeth left but take a peek at these pearly whites! Lovely Lou, indeed!!

Smiley Little Man

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday, Funday

The weather has been beyond gorgeous so we made Sunday a funday and took Ben swimming. Our little water baby loves to float in the water with Dad, kick around and splash Dad a bit here and there.

Nap Time...

What would Sunday be without a Father~Son nap?!?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Like Father Like Son...

Jeff's favorite time of year must be upon us... camping season has arrived for the Bolger boys!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Nope, I didn't sneak the raspberries...

I swear, Mom, I didn't eat a single raspberry. It wasn't me. Must have been Sophie Lou.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Birthdays Galore!

Friday was Jen's birthday and Saturday was Jake Goines' 1st birthday so this weekend was full of celebration, for sure! For Jen's birthday, we all had a great day relaxing and playing in the sun... it has been beyond gorgeous if not a bit too hot. The picture below is from Cannery Row... we walked down from our house and stopped at The Intercontinental for a glass of champagne then met Art & Joy for a fantastic dinner at Bistro Moulin! Dinner out has never been such a treat since we don't go out to dinner much anymore due to the little ball of energy we call Ben!
Saturday, we drove up to San Francisco to help Jenny & Josh's son, Jake, celebrate his 1st birthday. He is the smiley-ist baby we have EVER met. He loved his cupcake and his parents did a fabulous job with the food & decor. It was nearly 80 degrees in the city which is so rare for June so we took full advantage and walked up to the Union Street festival after the party.

Ben Gets Annoyed...

Mom : "Hey Ben, Smile for the camera."
Ben : "Common Mom, Stop it."
Mom : "Just one smile Ben, pretty please."
Ben : "Mom, No! You are totally annoying me. I am busy playing with my magazine. Jeeze!"

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ben the Climber

Ben is now climbing on EVERYTHING and finds himself in some pretty precarious positions. Its pretty clear to us that he inherited his Dad's climbing skills... definitely not something he picked up from Mom...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ben Gets Caught!

Wednesday Morning, Getting Ready for the Day...

Mom : "Ben... What are you doing?"
Ben : "Uh Oh."
Mom : "Ben... out of Dad's closet."
Ben : Giggle Giggle

Ben Goes to Bruch!

We walked down to Cannery Row for some sunshine and brunch. Ben had a great time squishing blueberries in his hair and throwing his cheerios at the baby at the next table. Way to go, Ben!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend in Rocklin

We spent Memorial Day Weekend up in Rocklin, California (90 min. south of Lake Tahoe) to celebrate Jen's brother, Jon's 40th birthday. The sun was out and we swam in his fabulous pool, went boating, drank margaritas and just basically relaxed! Celebrating Jon's 40th out at dinner with the whole fam!
Ben was very happy (& occupied) to try cucumbers for the first time.
Jon eagerly awaiting his birthday cake with hot mama Kathy!
We love Jon's backyard, its literally like an adult Disneyland... Margarita machines, huge pool with slide, jacuzzi, cute dogs running around... Not a bad way to spend the weekend, ehe? Here Joel relaxes in the jacuzzi the day after Jon's big 4-0!

Ben loves swimming especially in warm jacuzzi's. Here Ben is swimming with Jeff, one of many dips in the jacuzzi!

Memorial Day Weekend - Wake Surfing

We took brother Jon's boat out for a spin on the Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend. Jon, Matthew and Jeff went wake surfing and wake boarding. It was also Ben's first boat trip, which we are happy to report that he liked very much!
Jeff showing off his moves and not doing half bad!
A day into his 40th year and Jon is wake surfing. Way to go, Jon!
Matthew is a fabulous water sportsman... wake surfing, wake boarding... pretty cool!
Toward the end of the boat ride, you'll all be so surprised to know that Ben was a snoozing little man. This kid naps in some of the most beautiful cities!

Long Over Due Post... College Friends & Babies

A few weekends ago, we had a Driftwood Drive reunion with all our babies. For those of you who don't know/remember, Christina, Jenny & Jen lived at Driftwood Drive right after college and Jason, Josh & Jeff all made many cameos at Driftwood Drive. So... we all got together to catch up and have the babies play & make some of their own memories!