Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trials & Tribulations of the Jumperoo

Every afternoon around 4:30pm, Ben has a 'session' in his jumperoo. His 'session' is literally about 40-45 minutes of non-stop jumping, mind you the jumperoo is not a quiet contraption. Unfortunately, for our old-lady-in-residence, Sophie Lou, the jumperoo is right next to her snoozing chair. Being the stubborn lady that she is, she refuses to move from her chair eventhough she is visably annoyed every day from Ben's jumping.

2 Teeth & Counting...

Ben's 2 lower, front teeth are really coming in now, see below. Any day, the top teeth will make their debut!

Sunday Nap

Yep... nap #2... are they ever awake?! Some babies don't like to cuddle... not Ben...

Apres' Bath Do!

Just having a little fun with Ben's hair after bath time ;)

Saturday Lunch Date

The sun has been out and it has been a gorgeous start to spring... but the rain is supposed to come back in full force this week. So... we decided to go out to the Valley on Saturday to have lunch at Baja Cantina and take advantage of the warmth. Papa joined us and we all had a really fun lunch. This first pic is proof that we have a baby genius on our hands... he already knows how to read menus (well, read and eat menus...)

The boys were really tired after a big lunch and sun time so they decided to take a nap. The second pic is a close up of Ben with his passey dangling out of his mouth and grabbing onto Dad's shirt... all while dreaming. Example #2 of genius baby!

Las Vegas...

Last weekend was our first weekend 'away' without Ben since he's been born. He stayed with Grandma & Grandpa and we went to Las Vegas. It was a lot of fun but even though we were technically 'without' baby, we never really were without baby... it was tough to leave him for 3 nights but it was really good to be with Jeff.

Nap Time in the Big Boy Stroller

In the last few weeks, we've moved Ben to the big boy car seat and big boy strollers... no more infant car seat for this growing boy! This was his first walk in his big boy stroller and yes, he will still nap anywhere... literally...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kiwi Taste Test, Take 1...

Ben is now eating bits and pieces of soft fruit & vegetables, being the big guy that he is. Yesterday he got to try kiwi for the first time and I think I spoke to soon when I said he loves fruit as much as his mom. Perhaps the kiwi was a bit tart, who knows. Regardless, as the pictures below testify, kiwi is definitely not one of his new favorites. On a happier note, Ben tried fresh blueberries today and loved them... just like his dad!

2 Teeth & Counting...

We were finally able to get a pic of Ben's 2 new bottom teeth... see below, you'll have to squint but trust us, they are here!

Lunch Date, Wine Tasting & Farm Animals, Oh My!

The sun FINALLY came out this weekend, it has been one rainy weekend after another for months and months. So... we took full advantage of a lovely Saturday. The 3 of us went on a lunch date, then wine tasted at Pessagno Winery and then to The Farm for Ben to see some ducks & bunny rabbits. What a fun day!

Happy Baby Boy

Just a cute pic we took over the weekend of Ben loving his jumperoo... its amazing how his personality comes out more and more each week.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy 8 month Birthday, Ben!

And happy 8 month anniversary, Jeff & Jen!

Ben turned 8 months old this week, 3/4 of a year old... somehow. We are all clueless how the time has gone so quickly but its true, Ben is now 8 months old. He wanted us to share his thoughts with all his peeps out there in blog-ville about what he's been up to recently... so here goes...

1. Ben has 2 teeth (both bottom, front) that just popped thru his gum this week. He has been drooling like crazy, chewing on anything and everything and pretty fussy. Now we know why. He doesn't show them off too often but we'll post some pics as soon as we can catch him flaunting his pearly whites.

2. Ben is nearly crawling... this is a very scary time in the Bolger house. Us adults (Sophie Lou included) are just not ready for a mobile baby. As of right now, he literally rolls over and over and over to get to where he wants to go. This is fine for us right now.

3. Ben loves to eat. Not milk so much anymore but real food. Blueberries and butternut squash are his favorites followed closely by plums, apricots and green beans. He has definitely gotten his fruit-loving-ness from his Mom. Once he can stay up later than 6:30pm, it will be fun to take him to the Tuesday farmer's market.

4. Ben loved the Olympics for sure & is pretty sad they are over! Jeff & Ben watched curling with such fervor... they could have been mistaken for Canadians!

What Happens When You Leave an Open Pen in Ben's Reach???

When you have a 'handsy' little man & you leave an open pen in arm's reach, this is what you get... a little boy with half a mustache...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nap Time, Part 2...

Just a cute pic from Ben's nap time this afternoon. Have a great week! Bolgers