Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weekend Update with Ben Bolger

This was our first weekend, since Ben's arrival, without any plans or visitors or any agenda. We did alot of nothing... it was wonderful. From the pics, you can see a common theme... Ben loves to sleep... in our bed, in his room, on the rec trail, it really doesn't matter where :)
Have a great week!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ben's 1st Bath

Bath time wouldn't normally be that big of a deal but it was his 1st bath so it was serious picture-time in the Bolger house-hold... and... Ben does like bath time, wahoo!

Ben Meets His Great Grandpa!

Happy 84th Birthday, Dumb Dumb! Ben got to meet his great Dumb Dumb and great Mussy and more Aunts and Uncles on Sunday at Dumb Dumb's 84th birthday party. Even though it was a bit hot and he wasn't used to that kind of heat, Ben had a great time meeting his family and celebrating a fabulous birthday for his great grandpa!

A Full Family Weekend

This past weekend was great! Ben got to meet his (maternal) Uncle Jon, Aunt Kathy and his cousins Matthew & Joel. We can already tell they are going to be spoiling Ben "rotten" but that is just fine because he loves them already! The Sacramento Jacobs' are big water sports & soccer fanatics and surprised Ben with his first life jacket for tubing and water skiing as well as his first soccer jersey. Pics to come shortly!

The Texan Bolgers Visit Carmel

The Texan Bolgers came to Carmel for their annual summer vacation! Even though their trip had been planned for almost a year, the timing couldn't have been better because they got to meet Ben, who was just a month. We all had a fabulous time and the weather warmed up just for them. Tommy, Jess, John Thomas, Luke and Ella stayed at a house near Carmel River Beach and took full advantage of the beach and Carmel. Ben became very mobile that week and went wine tasting in Carmel Valley for the first time, went out to dinner for the first time and spent some good quality time with his Uncle, Aunt and 3 great cousins. Tommy & Jeff golfed twice, Jen & Jess had a super fun girl's lunch and gab fest and we even got our first 'date night' with Tommy & Jess (Grandma & Grandpa J watched Ben for 3 hours) & went to the fire pits at Spanish Bay, watched the sunset, drank great wine and had an all around fabulous night. Until next year, Texan Bolgers!