Monday, June 22, 2009

2 1/2 Weeks to Go!

The nursery is done...

The hospital bags are packed...

The diaper bags are packed...

The car seats are in the cars...

Are we missing anything?

Oh, that's right... Just waiting for baby to make his debut!

The Nursery is Complete!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

3 Weeks to Go!

So... the count down is officially on! As of tomorrow, Thursday 6/18, we have 3 weeks until our due date (July 9). We went to see Dr. Brewster today and she did an ultrasound showing that baby's head is down (which is very good) and he is, in fact, a 'HE.' The baby hasn't dropped yet but there is still plenty of time for that. Baby's room is just about complete, hospital bags are packed, now we just need baby! Happy 1st Father's Day to Jeff!