Monday, April 13, 2009

The Story of Mr. Tornado

This past Thanksgiving was celebrated in Seattle with all the Bolgers - Seattle Bolgers, Monterey Bolgers, Boulder Bolgers and Texan Bolgers. At that point, the Boulder Bolgers were well into their second trimester and the Monterey Bolgers (us) were only about 8ish weeks pregnant so we weren't telling many people except close family.

We all went to a family birthday party and the Texan Bolgers, Tommy & Jessica, brought their 3 fab kids, John Thomas, Luke & Ella. John Thomas, apparently has the nack for telling if a pregnant lady is carrying a boy or a girl and also deciding what the baby's name should be (he's picked the gender and named 6+ babies and he's not even 6 years old). He told his Aunt Shannon that she was having a girl (which turned out to be right) and thought the baby should be named Avery (she isn't born yet so we don't know what the name will be). Jessica then asked John Thomas, if your Aunt Jen was pregnant (hint hint), would she have a boy or girl. John Thomas correctly said BOY (even though everyone was convinced we were having a girl) and decided the name should be... drum roll, please... Mr. Tornado!

As soon as Thanksgiving came and passed, the morning sickness got pretty bad so Mr. Tornado was quite the fitting name and has stuck ever since. So... we don't know our baby's legal name yet but that's OK because we've been calling him Mr. Tornado for many months now thanks to John Thomas :)

Nursery... a Work in Progress...

The nursery, much like our 'bun in the oven' is quite the work in progress. Most of the furniture is in except the rocking chair. We're going with a minty green color on the walls, drapes just went up this weekend (pics to come shortly) and Sophie Lou already has a bed for herself in the nursery.